Don’t Forget: Operation Safe Driver Initiative Starts This Sunday

Get ready for enhanced law enforcement during Operation Safe Driver Week.

A new wave of intensified law enforcement efforts is set to begin this Sunday, July 9th, ushering in the latest edition of the widely recognized campaign. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is launching Operation Safe Driver Week, which will run from Sunday until Saturday, July 15. Throughout this designated period, law enforcement officers across the United States, Canada, and Mexico will maintain vigilance to identify and address unsafe driving behaviors exhibited by both commercial motor vehicle and passenger vehicle drivers. Offenders found engaging in hazardous driving practices will face repercussions in the form of warnings or citations issued by law enforcement authorities.

Speeding is This Year’s Main Focus

Each year, Operation Safe Driver Week singles out a specific unsafe driving behavior to raise awareness and encourage corrective action. This time around, the focal point will be speeding, as the CVSA recognizes the persistent nature of this issue on roadways. Speeding contributes significantly to the frequency and severity of traffic accidents, with ample evidence linking unsafe speeds to fatalities and injuries, according to the safety alliance.

In addition to speeding, there are several other examples of unsafe driver behaviors that law enforcement will actively monitor. These include improper lane changes, illegal passing or turns, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, using handheld devices while driving, and failure to wear a seat belt.

Last Year’s Statistics Highlight the Scope of the Issue

Last year’s statistics from the United States and Canada reveal the magnitude of the problem. More than 35,000 commercial motor vehicles and passenger vehicles were pulled over by officers during Operation Safe Driver Week, resulting in the issuance of 26,164 warnings and citations. Of those, 8,586 citations and 7,299 warnings were specifically related to speeding or violating basic speed laws, with 2,577 warnings directed at commercial motor vehicle drivers and 4,722 at passenger vehicle drivers. Citations were handed out to 1,490 commercial motor vehicle drivers and 7,096 passenger vehicle drivers.

As the latest Operation Safe Driver Week kicks off, motorists are strongly urged to prioritize safe driving practices and adhere to traffic regulations. Increased law enforcement presence underscores the commitment to reducing the prevalence of unsafe driving behaviors and ensuring the safety of all road users.

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