OOIDA Member? Fill Out The Owner-Operator Member Profile Survey

If you are an OOIDA member, please check your email inbox. The OOIDA Foundation needs you to fill out its Owner-Operator Member Profile Survey.

The OOIDA Foundation circulates this survey every two years. A link to the latest survey was sent via email last month to about 20,000 OOIDA members. The survey is important because it helps shape what the Association does, explains Andrew King of the OOIDA Foundation. Every two years, the OOIDA Foundation sends out links to the Owner-Operator Member Profile Survey.

The OOIDA Foundation is the research and education arm of OOIDA.

How Long Does the Survey Take to Complete?

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and your response is anonymous. Information is only reported in aggregate and cannot be linked to anyone specific. The survey is for owner-operators and only owner-operators.

The OOIDA Foundation is sending out a reminder this week to those who were randomly selected to take the survey. According to King, responses are down this year (so far), so he hopes that OOIDA members will take the time to respond.

What is This Survey For?

The survey helps OOIDA explain to lawmakers and regulators about the Association’s members. The survey helps explain OOIDA’s members’ backgrounds, what they are going through, and what is happing in the industry.

“Taking the survey, it might not seem evident at first, but it really helps us in so many ways. Things like income and medical issues and things like that, just because we know there are always people pushing an agenda. Things like speed limiters or sleep apnea testing, things like that.” King said. “So this information helps us fight on Capitol Hill.”

“With any research, it is a lot better if it is current rather than something even like two years ago because the world is so fast-changing,” he said, “Trucking is a cyclical industry”. Right now fuel prices are high, rates are decreasing, so it is good for OOIDA to know what is going on with its members.

Look for the email and click on the link to the Owner-Operator Member Profile Survey, King said. Survey respondents can pause during the survey if they need to attend to something else momentarily.

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