FMCSA Announces Removal of ELD ONE From List of Registered ELDs

The FMCSA has removed an ELD device from its list of registered Electronic logging devices due to a failure by the company. 

The FMCSA announced the removal of ELD ONE on Tuesday, January 31st because the compan failed to meet the minimum requirements established in 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A. The CFR states that an ELD without a printer needs to be designed so that “the display may be reasonably viewed by an authorized safety official without entering the commercial motor vehicle.”

What If I Use ELD ONE Currently?

If you’re currently using an ELD ONE device, the FMCSA recommends the following steps:

  1. Discontinue using the revoked device(s) and revert to paper logs or logging software to record required hours of service data.
  2. Replace the revoked device(s) with compliant ELD(s) from the Registered Devices list before April 1, 2023.

The FMCSA plans to send an email to let motor carriers know of these steps. 

Drivers Will Be Cited if ELD ONE is in Use

As of January 31st, safety officials are “encouraged not to cite drivers using ELD ONE for ‘No ELD or “failed to use a registered ELD,” and should alternatively “request the driver’s paper logs, logging software, or use the ELD ONE display as a back-up method to review the hours of service data.” Motor carriers found to be using the revoked device after April 1st will be considered to be operating without an ELD by safety officials. 

It is important to take the suggested steps immediately to avoid compliance issues.  The ELD provider may be placed back on the list of registered devices if the provider corrects the issues it currently faces.

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